El Estrella

El Estrella

Monday, December 27, 2010

Katy Berry font on DaFont

Check out the Katy Berry font on DaFont.com

Just search Katy Berry.

Material girl gift

I forgot to mention that my Mom also bought me a Material Girl romper from Macy's.(for xmas) She just told me yesterday, and it's coming in the mail...

Heres a picture.

I tore this out of a magazine. It's hanging on my wall.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


As I think I may have said in an earlier post (did I?) My brother got a shotgun. You can see my new treasures above, and the earrings are vintage.

From Me, (and the Wild Parrots of Telegraph hill), I hope you had a Merry Christmas, a Happy Chanukah etc.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Burglar and the Bloody leg

So, last night we all went to bed at midnight. 12:03, actually. I am a very heavy sleeper, and I fell asleep around 12:07, while my brother Ed went off to do something (probably to play video games) and big brother Robert took a shower.


The sound of broken glass woke everybody in the building, except me, the heavy sleeper. Ed grabbed the dagger he had stolen from my Grandpa's house, Robert grabbed a baseball bat, and my dad grabbed his shotgun. Mom stayed upstairs. But NOBODY took the liberty to wake me up. When they got down stairs, the guy was gone. Dad opened the front door (it was the front door that had glass kicked out of it), and there, hobbling up the hill to the corner, was a man with a bloody leg, obviously from kicking in a glass door. Unfortunately, my dad was a little dazed and could not put 2 and 2 together. He claims he thought "That the guy threw a brick through the window". That's why there wasn't a brick or a rock on the floor.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Thanksgiving is this week, which makes me think of Christmas.
I made my list.

Urbanears kids headphones (Blue or green)

A laptop or desktop (Apple) (I know its a little unrealistic)

iTunes giftcard

NYLON magazine subscription

Hair Ties (in need of them!)


Yesterday I saw the new Harry Potter movie. I only have 1 thing to say:

RIP Dobby.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Brian Wilson (Giants closer) reminds me of Zach Galafinakalis.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Of Mondo

*Heavy Sigh*

Project Runway just ended, and not in a good way. GRETCHEN won. GRETCHEN. The one who should've been sent home on the team challenge (There is an "I" in team), where she became the leader of Team Luxe. Of course, their team produced an ensamble of over-sized sweaters (named "the grandpa sweater" by the team), pant-suits, shirt-dresses, etc. and all in the color scheme of Camel. The winning team was Team Military Lace (Which had my favorite designers; Mondo Guerra, Valerie Mayen, April Johnston,). Gretchen said "I love the clothes, I think we worked really hard on them" and of course when they lost she had a quick change in opinion and goes on about how "we realized early on, that grandma had arrived!"

Mondo got robbed!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010



1.Find Vouge,Elle,Marie Claire,InStyle or any other fashion magazine with modeling in it.
2.Find model/person advertising for a product.
4. Which pictures do you like better??

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mendocino, Part II

About Mendocino...

42 pimples (ew!)
Pop music sing-a-long on the bus (tee hee)
M.A.S.H ( *heavy sigh* )
Heated showers (Ahhhhhhh)
Hiking in Hi-Tops (Oooh la la)
Chemmz (Better version of baseball... we (CHEMMZ stands for the 1st letter of the founders) are so creative)
Quoting Bon Qui Qui with teacher and cabin mates (SA-CURITY! SA-CURITY!!)
Chunky milk (gag)
Tribal/Early Human Rituals (Hail to me)
Quoting Like a Boss with friends (Puke on Deborah's desk)
Watch videos in Slow-mo (woah)

It was fun.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Yesterday, I got back from a school trip, to Mendocino. The bus ride featured us sining along to:

And most importantly,

And more. I'll post more about the actual trip later!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Flea Market finds

The monkey was in Toy Story 3.
I swear.

I Know! Its amazing!

I hope you aren't that dumb.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Last week, on friday...

Last week on Friday, something big happened. Something... nerve-racking? Ed, my twin, as he would say it "African americaned out" a.k.a blacked out in school. It was during DRAMA (how ironic) and I was just mindin' my own business, getting ready to go to lunch. My friend, Evie, suddenly sprinted up to me with a worried look on her face. (I was very confused).
"Your brother..... Fainted...Gurney....Stretcher.....Diali's room. " And sure enough, there was a baby blue gurney in the doorway. Oh sh!t. I walked up to Diali (teacher) in a daze, and she directed me to Eddy, sitting upright on the couch, with 2 paramedics frantically inspecting him. I gasped. I stood there for a while, Diali repeating the whole story, (Kid pulled out chair, Ed falls, stands up to fast, blacks out, hits head, shoulder, and bites tongue). They finally strapped him into a neck brace, stretcher, gurney and "wheeled" him away. I had lunch with the teachers (to avoid questioning) and was offered to skip class...
I was frazzled until science, where I calmly advertised our "Design a forest" Savannah. After science, Diali took my brother, Robert, out for Pizza, and drove us home. Did I mention our parents were on a trip in NYC, for their anniversary?

Monday, August 2, 2010


Jim (as Dwight):QUESTION Which kind of bear is best?
Dwight:That is a ridiculous question.
Jim (as Dwight) False, Black bear.
Dwight: Well that's debatable, there are basically two schools of thought...
Jim ( as Dwight): FACT Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battle star Galactica.
Dwight: Bears do not... What is going on? What are you doing?

Jim interview (dressed as Dwight)

JIM (dressed as Dwight in interview): Last week I was in a drugstore and I saw these glasses... 4 dollars. And it only took me seven dollars to re create the rest of the ensemble, which is a grand total of ( types on his calculator watch) 11 dollars.

Dwight: Ya know imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, so I thank you.
(Jim pulls out a bobble head, Dwight has many on his desk) IDENTITY THEFT IS NOT A JOKE, JIM! MILLIONS OF FAMILIES SUFFER EVERY YEAR!
Jim ( as Dwight) Michael!
Dwight: Oh that's funny. Michael!

At the end of the episode, Dwight comes in as Jim.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Failed carrer

I quote my 18 year old cousin, Tyler. " As soon as Justin Bieber hits puberty, and looses his girly voice, his career is over.... it's happened before, remember AARON CARTER? (I want candy!)" I must agree, Tyler... No Bieber fan wants to have a crushed heart, so in my opinion, Justin Bieber should have a goodbye tour, or else he will be HUMILIATED, which, now that I think about it, wouldn't be that bad. Scratch that, no tour. Justin Bieber, keep up the work, you'll loose your Miley Cyrus-esq voice, sooner or later. Just wait.
http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/search/songs/?query=I want candy

Copy and paste this link into your search box.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Back from Dakota, (North Dakota, not Dakota Fanning)

I recently came back from North Dakota, and when I say recently, I mean, like, 4 hours ago. It is dreary here, in San Francisco, and I am somewhat relaxed, listening to bus drivers honk and old Asian women screech at each other... rare sounds in Minot, North Dakota, because for the record, I think, perhaps, old Asian ladies are extinct there. Anyways, lemme tell you about my,em, INTERESTING air plane trip.

After waking up at a lousy 4 am, and having already been on a smallish plane, crammed up against the wall for about an hour, with, of course, a crying baby behind me, I was not a happy traveler... On my second flight, from Denver to Minot, I was in a three person row, with my brother, and a long-haired bearded man in his 60's, who smelled like onions (Not like cooking onions, but the really off-putting smell that some people have, its like, pureed garlic and deer liver, boiled in a pot of sweat. Do you know what I mean?) And, and, AND he had GAS. Towards the end, he just couldn't hold it I guess, and he let loose a classic, bubbly, fart! I started laughing uncontrollably, and even crying, because of my laughter. How mature. The rest of the flight he let out little rain droplet farts, like if you flick a wooden table. I was biting the sides of my cheeks this time.