El Estrella

El Estrella

Monday, August 2, 2010


Jim (as Dwight):QUESTION Which kind of bear is best?
Dwight:That is a ridiculous question.
Jim (as Dwight) False, Black bear.
Dwight: Well that's debatable, there are basically two schools of thought...
Jim ( as Dwight): FACT Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battle star Galactica.
Dwight: Bears do not... What is going on? What are you doing?

Jim interview (dressed as Dwight)

JIM (dressed as Dwight in interview): Last week I was in a drugstore and I saw these glasses... 4 dollars. And it only took me seven dollars to re create the rest of the ensemble, which is a grand total of ( types on his calculator watch) 11 dollars.

Dwight: Ya know imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, so I thank you.
(Jim pulls out a bobble head, Dwight has many on his desk) IDENTITY THEFT IS NOT A JOKE, JIM! MILLIONS OF FAMILIES SUFFER EVERY YEAR!
Jim ( as Dwight) Michael!
Dwight: Oh that's funny. Michael!

At the end of the episode, Dwight comes in as Jim.

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